/manager/Index en-au 5 Mechanistic study on the formation of silicon carbide nanowhiskers from biomass cellulose char under microwave /manager/Repository/uon:39309 d-spacing (111) plane, with a characteristic lattice fringe spacing of 0.25 nm. The growth mechanism of the SiC nanowhiskers followed two reaction pathways of vapor-solid (VS) and the vapor-liquid-solid (VLS). Increased CO and CO2 concentrations due to the evolution of gaseous products (SiO and CO) from the reactive cellulose char led to the growth of SiC nanowhiskers under the solid-vapor mechanism. The presence of inherent metallic species, such as Fe in biochar was found to catalyze the formation and growth of SiC nanowhiskers.]]> Tue 09 Aug 2022 14:17:38 AEST ]]> A comparative study on the intrinsic reactivity and structural evolution during gasification of chars from biomass and different rank coals /manager/Repository/uon:40287 Mon 29 Jan 2024 17:55:22 AEDT ]]>